Wellness Clinic
The Wellness Clinic opened in December 2016, with a priority for impoverished pregnant women and traumatized children. It is located on the property of New Hope Center for Grieving Children.
Jericho Road’s Wellness Clinic at New Hope Center seeks to improve overall healthcare for the most vulnerable individuals in Goma, especially orphans, traumatized children, and widows and their children, who would otherwise have no access to primary care. Prior to the opening of our Wellness Clinic, these people had been living with illness, injury and the horrific effects of traumas, further complicating their suffering. With the generous support of grant partners for capital expansions, we have been able to expand Wellness Clinic many times (a fourth expansion in process) in a continuing effort to meet the overwhelming need.
The Wellness Clinic has experienced such overwhelming needs that we have had to expand consistently over the years- currently sees over 2500 patients a month and averages over 200 deliveries a month.
Services include:
- Surgery center
- Consultation rooms
- Birthing suites
- Maternity ward
- Pediatric and adult wards
- Vaccine program
- Radiology services
- Pharmacy
- Laboratory
- Health education and training center
- Screening and triage area
- Large offsite farm and malnutrition (feeding) clinic
- Mugunga Women’s Empowerment Center (located at the farm)
- Primary school
We are currently working towards becoming a Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric Care Center (CEmOC).
Jericho Road’s Wellness Clinic in Goma opened its doors in December 2016. It is located on the property of New Hope Center for Grieving Children – a facility for traumatized, grieving, and orphaned children (from the recurrent wars within the region), as well as widowed mothers and their children.
This Center was founded and operated by American World Venture Missionaries, Bruce and Anita Padden. New Hope Center provides intensive support for traumatized and orphaned children and their families, trauma training for grief facilitators and local pastors, and a number of other supportive development programs.
Through one of Jericho’s Board Members, John Lee (and the then Wesleyan Church of Hamburg), an introduction was made to Charles Franzen of World Relief. Charles quickly became a friend and partner, and he introduced Jericho to the Paddens and the intense need for quality healthcare in Goma. We all agreed we would be solid and aligned in-country partners, and the intention to provide essential primary medical care to the most vulnerable in Goma was born.
Chantal Mandro’s Story
Chantal Dz’da Mandro, born and raised in Congo, was a key, long-term staff member and leader at the New Hope Center. She worked there for 10 years, as their National Director. She worked closely with the Paddens over the years, supervising operations, staff and building community support and partnerships. She is highly experienced in dealing with trauma, training staff, HIV treatment protocols and accounting practices. She holds two degrees, one in nursing and another in Health Institution Management.
The Paddens identified Chantal as a key leader for Jericho’s Wellness Clinic and she has been the Clinic Director since it opened in 2016.
Chantal’s management style and knowledge of the needs of the people of Goma have greatly contributed to the exponential growth of this clinic. Chantal finds the work at Wellness incredibly meaningful: “The Wellness Clinic provides us with the means to help vulnerable people by providing quality medicines, hospitalizations, and free or reduced-cost surgeries. Without our help, many people would just die due to lack of healthcare. It is a rewarding experience to see vulnerable people relieved of their suffering.”
Chantal is also passionate about providing a quality education to orphans, and was able to open a school on the Wellness Clinic campus recently.
Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo
The history of the Democratic Republic of Congo is complex and filled with warfare and economic instability. Many children in the DRC have been born into violence and do not know their parents, while others have fled their communities and remain internally displaced. Jericho Road recognizes what a concerning stressor this has been on the Congolese people and is confident that providing quality healthcare for the underserved in Goma is a critical step toward improving this community.
Jericho Road hopes to have a positive impact on the next chapter of the DRC’s history. This chapter will include a better quality of life for Goma’s most vulnerable people (especially orphans and widows and their children) by providing essential primary healthcare, thus alleviating the stress of untreated illness or injury and offering the opportunity for healthier, safer lives.
Jericho Road trusts that, with God’s help, we can assist efforts to transform the tumultuous landscape of this beautiful country.