President Jimmy Carter: A Global Health Champion
“Today, we join the nation in mourning the loss and celebrating the remarkable life of former President Jimmy Carter. His legacy of dedication to human rights and to the poorest among us, lives on.
President Carter invested five decades of his post presidency life to champion bringing basic health to some of the poorest people in the world. His work has led to the near eradication of a horrible disease (Guinea worm infestation) and helped deliver basic health and sanitation to millions of people.
Of global healthcare, President Carter once said: “Anything you do in global health, anything, you have to make sure you have the community bought in and they see it as their work—not as your work, as their work. That way they will own it and they will create lasting change.” I am grateful for this legacy of President Carter. His work has helped to inspire the work of Jericho Road here in Buffalo and in Sierra Leone, Congo, and Nepal.
He went on to say, “We believe that access to health care is a human right, especially among poor people afflicted with diseases who are often forgotten, ignored and left without hope.”
Health care is a human right, something we all deserve simply because we are human. I stand with President Jimmy Carter to work for a future day when all people, no matter what, will have access to excellent basic health care. At Jericho Road, we are dedicated to this mission and will continue to strive toward that goal in all we do.”
-Dr. Myron Glick, Founder and CEO