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The Jericho Road Blog


Hello and welcome, to our very first blog. At Jericho Road Community Health Center we care for our community and advocate for systemic health equity. Every day, we strive to love our neighbor. In doing so, we have experienced a ton of grace and a front row view of the inequities that plague our health system and really, all the other systems that affect us too.

We want to tell you what we have learned and show you what we have seen. Oh, and you should know, we actually have two blogs. This one is about the work we do in Buffalo, NY. Our other blog is Jericho Road Global—about how we get to follow some of our patients home to Nepal, Sierra Leone, and The Democratic Republic of the Congo, where we join them in pursuing global health equity. We hope to see you in both spaces, each month.

Thank you for your support!

Below you will find some reflections from our Chief Operating Officer, Magdalena Nichols, MHA, CAGS.

“As I look back at my career, there’s one particular experience that has had a profound impact on my life and faith. That experience has been working at Jericho Road Community Health Center. Here, I’ve not only been able to lead, but also live out my faith in a tangible and meaningful way.

From the moment I entered my first Executive team meeting seven years ago and prayed with my peers, I knew this place was different from any other place I had worked before. Serving at Jericho Road has been a profoundly transformative experience, that has enriched my professional career journey while also deepening my faith in God, in a very purposeful and intentional way that allows me to do work that brings light and hope in a world that can often feel dark.

At Jericho Road, I’ve been able to walk alongside leaders and team members during their most vulnerable moments. As a leader, I’ve been able to offer prayer and words of encouragement rooted in faith, which has been a powerful way to connect with others on a deeper level and provide hope in difficult times. Working at Jericho Road has allowed me to be part of a team that shares a common purpose and mission beyond medical care and community programs.

At Jericho Road, we are committed to serving others with humility and grace with the hopes of demonstrating the unconditional love of Jesus—for individuals regardless of their background or social economic status—at the human level, which has been an incredible privilege.”

-Magdalena Nichols, Chief Operating Officer, Jericho Road Community Health Center

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