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9:00 AM - 8:00 PM

Volunteer Guidelines

  • The volunteer application must be completed.
  • You may be contacted by the supervisor who manages the opportunity that you are interested in for further details and next steps.
  • There are rarely opportunities for volunteering on evenings and weekends.
  • There are currently no opportunities to volunteer in a clinical setting.
  • You must be over the age of 18 to provide individual volunteer service.
  • Individuals under the age of 21 may volunteer if accompanied by a parent or guardian volunteer for their entire shift. These will be assessed on a case by case basis.
  • Background checks are required for individuals working with children.
  • You will be required to attend volunteer orientation and training virtually which is held twice a month at 6pm in the evening and may be an hour to an hour and a half depending on where you will be volunteering.
  • It is recommended but not required that you are fully vaccinated for Covid-19.

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteers bring critical energy, skill, time, and resources to Jericho Road. Through meaningful opportunities, we are sharing Jesus’ love in tangible ways, helping our neighbors to overcome the barriers of poverty they face, and participating in mutual transformation.

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with Jericho Road Community Health Center.

The first step to becoming a Jericho Road volunteer is to submit a volunteer application form.

Questions? Email [email protected]

Current Volunteer Opportunities

Residents at Vive go through long, difficult journeys to finally end up claiming asylum in Buffalo. When they arrive, they need to learn a new language, how to make it around a new city, take care of their physical and mental health, enroll kids in school, and many complicated things. It is hard enough to learn these things on your own when you move to a new place. Imagine doing it in a new country while you are still learning the language!

Duties: Accompaniment Volunteers will meet residents at the shelter and walk or ride the bus with them as they make their way to locations across Buffalo and then back to Vive. On Wednesdays we have a weekly Vive clinic that many residents attend. It is busy, and we cannot give everyone the individual attention they may need so Accompaniment Volunteers could stay with people as they wait. You can be that calming steady person that stands with them as they figure out, we are truly the City of Good Neighbors!

Who you will work with: Volunteers work with Social Work and Family Program staff along with residents staying at Vive.

Minimum time commitment: Once a week 2-4 hours per session on an ongoing basis is ideal.

Requirements: Comfortable riding the city bus or traveling on foot from Vive to a local clinic site with residents.

People with the following skills/experience would be great here: No need for previous experience in social work or the medical field. Interest in sharing cultures with people different from you. Conversational fluency in a language other than English is great but not required at all.

Schedule: A person in this volunteer role would need to have some available time between 7:30 AM-6:00 PM Monday-Friday. This is when people tend to have appointments and need assistance. Within these times we can be flexible about timing. You should plan for at least 2-3 hours each time you volunteer.

For more information on all volunteer opportunities at Vive, contact: Lauire Fatica-Tice, Volunteer Coordinator at Vive at [email protected]

Duties: Food is healing! Residents at Vive go through long, difficult journeys to finally end up claiming asylum in Buffalo. When they arrive, they need a moment to recharge, find safety, while being both figuratively & literally fed. Our kitchen volunteers ensure we share culturally relevant nourishment with the families staying at the shelter. Volunteers collaborate with a resident-led team who help guide hospitality for their peers. Duties include working with a team of multilingual, multi-national residents to help prepare and serve meals.

Who you will work with: Vive’s Kitchen Managers along with residents staying at Vive.

Minimum time commitment: Once a week on an ongoing basis is ideal. 1-2 times a month works too! We need volunteers to help serve. We prepare and serve two meals a day every day (lunch and dinner) 365 days a year so there is always a need for help.

Requirements: Comfortable taking directions from the kitchen managers for safe meal prep.

People with the following skills/experience would be great here: Enthusiastic about cooking. No need for previous experience cooking for large groups. Interest in sharing with people from different cultures. Conversational fluency in a language other than English is great but not required.

Schedule: Volunteers needed for


Two and a half hours from 10:00am – 12:30pm for lunch prep and plating

One hour for a lunch from 11:30am – 12:30pm for serving and cleaning.


Two hours from 4-6PM for dinner prep and plating

One hour from 5-6pm for serving and cleaning.

Duties: Assist Vive children and parents with completing homework assignments. Responsible for classroom management, one-on-one tutoring, and educational games as needed.

Who you will work with: Vive youth between the ages of 5 and 18.

Minimum time commitment: Any day of the week flexible hours between 4pm-6pm. Volunteers can commit to one day a week or multiple days a week.

Requirements: Background checks required for all volunteers working with the Vive children’s program.

People with the following skills/experience would be great here: Passion for working with children, experience teaching ENL students, conversational proficiency in another language (especially Spanish, French, Haitian Creole, or Portuguese).

Schedule: TBD according to your availability and our needs.

Duties: Assist Vive children and parents with completing homework assignments. Responsible for classroom management, one-on-one tutoring, and educational games as needed.

Who you’ll work with: Vive youth between the ages of 5 and 18.

Minimum time commitment: 4pm – 6pm, Monday, Thursday, and Friday. Volunteers can commit to one day a week or multiple days a week.

Requirements: Background checks are required for all volunteers working with the Vive children’s program.

People with the following skills/experience would be great here: Passion for working with children, experience teaching ENL students, conversational proficiency in another language (especially Spanish, French, Haitian Creole, or Portuguese).

Schedule: TBD according to your availability and our needs.

Duties: Assist Vive staff with the setting up of birthday parties (decoration, wrapping presents, etc.) and interact with residents during the party (run activities for kids, chat with residents during dinner, etc.).

Who you will work with: Vive residents.

Minimum time commitment: Two to three hours per month; can be a one-time volunteering event.

Schedule: Birthday parties are held on the third Wednesday of each month. People with the following skills/experience would be great here: People who enjoy interacting with people and making new friends!

Duties: Do you have skills, arts & crafts, exercise program, sport, or something similar you are interested in sharing with the children at Vive? We would love to hear about it!

Who you will work with: Under the direction of Vive leadership, you will work with Vive youth.

Minimum time commitment: Flexibility according to your program or opportunity you would like to provide to the youth.

Requirements: Background checks are required for all volunteers working with the Vive children’s program; strong planning skills; dependability and follow through.

People with the following skills/experience would be great here: Teaching, coaching if applicable, working with children.

Schedule: Flexible

Duties: For children staying at Vive, access to the playroom is a big deal; however, the room has to be supervised by an adult when in use. Having more volunteers means that we can open the playroom more often. Duties include having the children help you when you clean, interacting with the children while they’re in the room, remaining attentive to all activity (that means no cell phone use).

Who you’ll work with: Vive’s children’s program manager and assistant program manager, Vive youth

Minimum time commitment: Once a week on an ongoing basis. We can work around your schedule (between the hours of 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.) but volunteers in this role must commit to a consistent weekly schedule.

RequirementsBackground checks are required for all volunteers working with the Vive children’s program; Must be 18 years of age

People with the following skills/experience would be great here: Passionate about working with kids, conversational fluency in a language other than English

Schedule: Flexible within the timeframe of 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

We look for consistency in the hospitality roles outlined below as newly arrived individuals and families need our gracious and consistent support. We can be flexible with your schedule, but this opportunity warrants a commitment to a regular volunteer schedule.

Duties: If you are interested in this opportunity some of the tasks may include:

· Welcoming *new arrivals (*individuals who arrive at Vive awaiting review)

· Providing them with a “go bag.”

· Determining critical clothing needs

· Cleaning the playroom and/or sunroom

· Opening the playroom and engaging and supervising youth

Who you will work with: Under the direction of the Volunteer Coordinator and House Manager, you will work with other volunteers serving in the same capacity.

Minimum time commitment: Two hours, once a week on an ongoing basis. Requirements: Background checks are required for all volunteers working with the Vive youth;

People with the following skills/experience would be great here: Enthusiastic about working with adults and children, conversational fluency in a language other than English not required but helpful.

Schedule: Flexible within the time of 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Mondays OR Fridays

Duties: This will include helping with a task the House Manager needs completed or to oversee the front desk. In supporting the House Manager, the volunteer may be asked to distribute supplies to residents, receive donations and cover the front desk when the House Manager or front desk staff need to step away.

Who you will work with: The volunteers will work with the House Manager and front desk staff members to provide support as needed.

Minimum time commitment: One or more day (s) a week for 2 hours.

Requirements: The volunteer will need to be comfortable sitting and help monitor the front desk and front door area along with the House Manager or front desk staff. They should also be comfortable to assist residents as needed according to the direction of the House Manager and/or front desk staff. Training for this volunteer opportunity will be provided.

People with the following skills/experience would be great here: Attention to detail, observation and comfortable to work in a busy environment.

Schedule: Any day (s), Monday-Thursday, 3:00pm-5:00pm. Fridays are flexible between the hours of 7:00-5:00.

Duties: Receiving donations, sorting, keeping track of inventory, notifying house manager of current needs.

Whom you will work with: House Manager, Volunteer Coordinator and other volunteers serving in the same capacity.

Minimum time commitment: One hour, can be a one-time commitment or recurrent.

Requirements: Must be over the age of 18 unless working as a family, then must be over the age of 12. Parents or guardians are responsible for the supervision of their children.

People with the following skills/experience would be great here: Ability to organize and sort through clothing while determining proper conditions of the same for VIve residents (clean, no rips or tears, etc…)

Schedule: No Saturdays. Can be flexible.

Group Opportunities:

· Yard (clean up inside/outside perimeter)

· Painting interior/exterior

· Organize clothing and resident supplies Gardening

· Yard Games with Youth

· Deep Cleaning of facility

Group Requirements:

· Must complete group liability form.

· Assign one group leader who is responsible for supervising and accepting responsibility for the entire group.

· Collaborating with Volunteer Coordinator the approved date, time, and details of project

· All group participants must be over the age of fourteen.

· All group participants must be listed by name and age in a separate form completed by group leader.

· Depending on the activity, it is helpful if the group can provide their own supplies and materials.

Duties: Helping to furnish apartments for re-housed individuals and families. This will mostly involve loading furniture into moving vans, unloading said furniture from moving vans into the apartments in question. Depending on availability, this role could also involve partial set-up of the furniture, appliances, etc. around the apartment, following the initial moving in of items.

Who you’ll work with: Asylum Seekers Programs – Housing Programs

Minimum time commitment: Flexible and ongoing. Volunteer opportunities for this specific task will likely be taking place every other Saturday for the foreseeable future, starting April 20th.

Requirements: Completion of volunteer application and/or group liability form. Ability to lift and move standard-to-heavy furniture items. A willingness to be flexible.

People with the following skills/experience would be great here: Conversational proficiency in another language (especially Spanish, French, Haitian Creole, or Portuguese); people looking to build community within Buffalo; people interested in volunteering with their company, community organization, or religious institution; people with pick-up trucks or other capacity to move large furniture.

Duties: Helping to set up furniture, appliances, and household items in apartments for re-housed individuals and families. The goal is to get the apartments to a state in which it will be comfortable for clients to move in and have minimal set-up/organization necessary.

Who you’ll work with: Asylum Seekers Programs – Housing Programs

Minimum time commitment: Flexible and ongoing. Volunteer opportunities for this specific task will likely be taking place every other Saturday for the foreseeable future, starting April 20th. Availability during weekdays could also be helpful.

Requirements: Completion of volunteer application and/or group liability form. Ability to lift and move small-to-medium household items. Ability to assemble or learn to assemble certain furniture items. A good sense of home organization.

People with the following skills/experience would be great here: Conversational proficiency in another language (especially Spanish, French, Haitian Creole, or Portuguese); people looking to build community within Buffalo; people interested in volunteering with their company, community organization, or religious institution; people with pick-up trucks or other capacity to move large furniture.

Duties: Greeting families when they arrive at the bus station. This includes meeting them warmly at the transit station, helping transport them to their new apartment, and providing a hot, culturally appropriate meal for their first night.

Who you’ll work with: Asylum Seekers Programs – Housing Programs

Minimum time commitment: Flexible and ongoing.

Requirements: Completion of volunteer application and/or group liability form. Ability to be a warm, welcoming presence for incoming clients. Driving/transport capabilities. Ability and willingness to prepare culturally a appropriate meal. Attendance at a mandatory volunteer orientation and training prior to working with clients.

People with the following skills/experience would be great here: Conversational proficiency in another language (especially Spanish, French, Haitian Creole, or Portuguese); people looking to build community within Buffalo; people interested in volunteering with their company, community organization, or religious institution.

How to Apply

Jericho Road Community Health Center programs are energized through the use of volunteers. Individuals and groups are invited to engage in a variety of ways from mentoring and teaching to childcare and hands-on facility projects.

Volunteers under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult. If you are under 16, check out some creative ways you can help Jericho Road other than volunteering.


Volunteer Application Process
Complete and submit our volunteer application form. If you have any questions, please email [email protected] . Placement is based on interest, availability, and skills. Our team will communicate your next steps after reviewing your application.

If you are uncertain which volunteer opportunity would be best for you, please direct your questions to [email protected]  .

Landlords Renting to Asylum Seekers

Landlords who are interested in renting to people coming out of our program can get started by filling out this google form.

Wish List

If you would like to make a monetary donation to Vive, please do so on our donation page or send a check to 184 Barton Street, Buffalo, NY 14213.  Please make checks payable to Jericho Road Community Health Center and indicate Vive in the memo.

In-Kind Donation Opportunities to Support Residents
Vive’s donation room contains everything that residents may need during their stay with us. Vive gratefully accepts in-kind donations to keep this room stocked.

Please do not bring unlisted items to Vive without calling us first! We have limited storage space and want to make sure your donation goes to the right place. If we are not accepting your items, we may be able to point you to another worthy organization who will make use of your donations right away.


Donation drives: If your church, school, club, troop, office, or other group would like to hold a donation drive on behalf of Vive, thank you! Please contact us before you start to advertise your drive or collect items. This will help ensure we have the space to accept your bulk donation and that we can accept the items you’ll be collecting in large quantities. Give us a call at 716-348-3000 x441 or email [email protected] to start the conversation.

We are currently in need of these items:

  • Sweatshirts and sweatpants (adult sizes, women’s and men’s)
  • Blankets
  • Bar soap, shampoo, conditioner (especially for Black/African hair), and lotion – these are constant needs
  • Sanitary/menstrual pads (preferred types/brands are Always Thin Dailies, Always Regular Dailies, Always Regulars with Wings, Always Supers with Wings, U by Kotex Heavy Flow)
  • Shower flip flops (all sizes)
  • Women’s and children’s underwear (must be new in package)
  • Tissues
  • Disinfectant wipes
  • Baby bottles
  • Mini spray bottles (for personal use)
  • Legal, unexpired car seats
  • Glarea microfiber twin sheets (especially fitted)
  • Pillows and pillowcases
  • Towels
  • Kids’ snacks (Goldfish, granola bars, animal crackers, fruit snacks, dried fruit chips)
  • Nail clippers

Other generally needed items are:

  • Pots and pans (for residents moving into apartments – accepted as needed and as space allows)
  • Cleaning supplies (for residents moving into apartments – accepted as needed and as space allows)
  • Furniture and other home goods (for residents moving into apartments – accepted as needed and as space allows)
  • Gift cards (Tops, Price Chopper, Aldi, Walmart are best)
  • Bus passes

To check if we can accept your home goods (kitchenware, cleaning supplies, furniture, etc.) or to ask any other questions related to making an in-kind donation, please email [email protected].

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